Python Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are a type of operator in programming languages that are used to perform basic mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In Python, these operators are represented by special symbols, such as + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, and / for division. Arithmetic operators are used to perform calculations on numerical data and are a fundamental part of any programming language. They are often used in combination with variables and other data types to perform complex mathematical operations or to create algorithms and programs.
Here is a list of the basic arithmetic operators in Python:
- +: Addition operator. Adds two numbers together.
- -: Subtraction operator. Subtracts one number from another.
- *: Multiplication operator. Multiplies two numbers together.
- /: Division operator. Divides one number by another.
- %: Modulo operator. Returns the remainder of dividing one number by another.
- **: Exponentiation operator. Raises one number to the power of another.
Here are some examples of how to use these operators in Python:
# Addition x = 5 + 2 # x is now 7 # Subtraction y = 10 - 3 # y is now 7 # Multiplication z = 4 * 2 # z is now 8 # Division a = 10 / 2 # a is now 5 # Modulo b = 10 % 3 # b is now 1 # Exponentiation c = 2 ** 3 # c is now 8
You can also use these operators to assign the result of a mathematical operation to a variable. For example:
x = 5 y = 2 x += y # x is now 7 x -= y # x is now 5 x *= y # x is now 10 x /= y # x is now 5 x %= y # x is now 1 x **= y # x is now 25
You can also use these operators with different data types, such as floats and complex numbers. For example:
x = 3.5 y = 1.5 # Addition z = x + y # z is now 5.0 # Subtraction a = x - y # a is now 2.0 # Multiplication b = x * y # b is now 5.25 # Division c = x / y # c is now 2.3333333333333335